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Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the “1,500-Foot” Sand and “2,000-Foot” Sand, with Scenarios to Mitigate Saltwater Migration in the “2,000-Foot” Sand of the Baton Rouge Area, Louisiana

Charles E. Heywood, Jason M. Griffith, and John K. Lovelace Groundwater withdrawals have caused saltwater to encroach into freshwater-bearing aquifers beneath Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Groundwater investigations in the 1960s identified a freshwater-saltwater interface located at the Baton Rouge Fault, across which abrupt changes in water levels occur. Aquifers south of…

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Biogeochemistry of surface waters and groundwaters at Myrtle Grove, LA

Telfeyan Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA *correspondence:; A. Breaux Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Cocoderie, LA, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA; J. Kim Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; K.H. Johannesson, K.H. Department…

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Managing an Aquifer Under The Risk of Costly Event: When Strategic Interaction Promotes Prudent Behaviors

Krishna P.Paudel Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA Biswo Poudel, Kathmandu University, Nepal Fabien Prieur, INRA, France   Natural gas production through hydraulic fracturing (specifically horizontal slickwater fracking) since 1998 has brought or is likely to bring economic development in many parts of the U.S. Hydraulic fracturing has been…

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Evaluating the Practicality of LNAPL Recovery

Jeff Lane, CK Associates – 616 FM 1960 West, Suite 575, Houston, Texas 77090,   In some cases, recovery of LNAPL is critical to prevent plume spreading and protect receptors (i.e. discharges to surface water, persons or animals contacting impacted soil or vapors, and users of water wells) and…

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Science and Regulation of Arsenic in Groundwater

Kate Magee, 616 FM 1960 Road West #575, Houston, TX 77090:   Arsenic is commonly associated with oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, and agricultural sites. It may be either naturally-occurring or an introduced contaminant. In cases where arsenic has been released into the environment, site-specific geochemical conditions dictate its…

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Mandatory Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Water Composition

Keith B. Hall Louisiana State University Law Center 1 East Campus Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803   Historically, the companies that perform hydraulic fracturing kept the composition of their fracturing fluids confidential, treating the compositions as trade secrets. But in recent years, many people have become concerned that hydraulic…

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Comparative performance evaluation of coal combustion products in industrial wastewater treatment

Yibo Chen and Sanjay Tewari Department: Civil Engineering of Louisiana Tech University, P.O. Box 10348, Ruston, LA 71272-0046 Ruston, Louisiana, 71270.Email Address:; Utilizing waste products from one industry to treat industrial wastewater is environment friendly and economical. Fly ash is a carbon waste from coal-fired power plants. It…

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