Sediment sluicing at LSU University Lake – A proposal for combating urban lake siltation and nutrient enrichment

Jun Xu School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA   Abstract                                                                                                  Many urban lakes are faced with the twin problems of siltation and nutrient enrichment from the runoff of the watersheds. The accumulation of soil and organic particles can exacerbate internal release of nutrients, leading…

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The Licensing of Geoscientists in Louisiana

John E. Johnston III, Vice-Chairman Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists   ACT 974 The Louisiana Legislature passed Act 974, the “Louisiana Professional Geoscience Practice Act” during the 2010 session. This legislation established the Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists, which has since implemented licensing of Professional Geoscientists, and administered the various…

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